Dimitar Dimitrov
The Danube is a historic river with a lot of names – Istros, Danubis, Donau, Dunai … It’s a river with nearly 3,000 years of history. Here, on its territory, since the Antiquity untill the New Age, people, civilizations and states have been formed: the civilizations of the Thracians and the Greco-Romans; as well as the empires of the Germans and Slavs, the Hungarians and the Romanians; Osterreich, German and Russian. Today the river is part of the trans-European water transport corridor “Rhine-Mayn-Danube”, which crosses the continent diagonally from the North Sea and Atlantic to the Black Sea and the Orient. The Bulgarian coast i organically connected with centuries of commercial shipping in Central and Southeast Europe. The main topic of this article is to reveal the past, present and future of this important waterway, identified as “Corridor 7”.
Keywords: Danube; trans-European water transport corridor; important waterway “Corridor 7”.
JEL Codes: B31; L62; L90
THE DANUBE WATERWAY TRANSPORT AND TRADE CORRIDOR - PAST, PRESENT, FUTUREThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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