Christos Amoiradis
Tourism marketing focuses mainly on increasing tourism flows and further tourism development, something that has been criticized for, while contributing to the development of negative impacts, such as the natural environment, social, cultural and political environments. Integrating them would contribute to a more advanced approach to tourism marketing. This paper attempts an approach to the concept of sustainable tourism marketing, and seeks to demonstrate the feasibility of sustainable tourism marketing. Tourism management has adopted the concept of sustainability. On the contrary, the main objective in the traditional consumer marketing perspective is maximization of profit. Thus, according to Jamrozy (2007), a change of shape is required. That is why he proposes a sustainable tourism-marketing model (STMM), which will challenge the traditional tourism-marketing model. “This new sustainable marketing paradigm requires the integration of alternative approaches and radically moving towards more sustainable tourism marketing principles and practices”. Otherwise, tourism marketing is an oxymoron.
Keywords: Sustainable Tourism, Tourism Marketing
JEL Codes: Z33, Q56
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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