Irina Atanasovа
Vladislav Krastev
Petar Parvanov
Ivan Todorov
The present study analyzes the legal framework, which regulates social entrepreneurship in the European Union and the Republic of Bulgaria. Over the last years, legislation in this area has been rapidly developing, providing better opportunities for economic and social realization of individuals with disabilities. The main goal of a social enterprise is to make a significant social impact on the standard of living of these persons providing them with employment and moral support. Social enterprises create suitable conditions for the professional development and social inclusion of individuals with disabilities.
In recent years social entrepreneurship has gained increased importance for the development of economic processes. EU and national institutions take different actions for social inclusion of people with disabilities by satisfying their social, cultural and legal needs. These actions are guided by strategies, which have been elaborated by institutions at national level. The implementation of strategies and actions for social inclusion of individuals with disabilities requires legal regulation at EU and national level. On the basis of different method of research (comparative analysis, legal analysis and others) the report investigates EU and Bulgarian legislation in the field of social entrepreneurship. The legal framework has been viewed as an institutional basis and opportunity for satisfying the cultural, social and legal needs of persons with disabilities in Bulgaria, which will contribute to the creation of new value added in economic and social context.
The newly adopted Law on the Social and Solidarity Economics, which was passed in 2018 and becomes effective as of 5th May 2019, creates in Bulgaria a new branch-the Social and Solidarity Economics with specific legal and organizational forms and structures to carry out businesses. The new Law is expected to be a gain changer and substantially improve the opportunities for professional and economic realization of individuals with disabilities.
Keywords: people with disabilities, legislation, social enterprise, social entrepreneurship
JEL Codes: A13, B55, L31
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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