Mariela Bogdanova
The current topic focuses on the new social vision and challenges after the adoption of legislation on the social and solidarity economy in Bulgaria, as well as on the opportunities for access to financing and institutional support for social enterprises.
The progress made is seen in a broader perspective, including not only statistics on the number of social enterprises self-identified, but also proven social added value and entered in the Register of social enterprises. Tracking the challenges is in the context of the process and the employment and human resources options and the provision of a supportive environment for the sustainable development of social enterprises. Although 2019 has emerged as a strong startup community, we still don’t have startups for social entrepreneurship. This, of course, does not mean that Bulgaria lacks successful models of social enterprises that provide employment for persons from different vulnerable groups and answer questions related to the social impact and benefits of applying the principles of the social economy. The European Union today, more than ever, emphasizes its new social vision, based on opportunity and solidarity.
Keywords: new social vision, social enterprises, law-making, social added value
JEL Codes: B55
CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR SOCIAL ENTERPRISESThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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